May 10th 2021 — Alpha

1 min readMay 9, 2021

This is my first blog post. I will use this blog to journal, to draft certain ideas, to reflect upon prior ones, and to share with anyone interested what I am working on.

As of right now I have several objectives:

  1. With the 30+ firms I have applied to for a job with relatively okay levels of success, I have to finish up with the final rounds to see where I have managed to pull through all the way to an offer.
  2. I need to completely learn Solidity and Ethereum’s environment like it’s the back of my hand by the end of May to use it efficiently and securely in my cryptocurrency.
  3. I need to refine the whitepaper of the project I am working on with more feasible, extensible, sustainable tokenomics and protocols for my cryptocurrency.
  4. I need to select and formally apply for 3 research roles and volunteer my free help to 10 research roles in total for free in exchange for recommendation letters to T20s for when I apply for grad roles in September by the 16th of May.
  5. On the side with everything above, I need to continue expanding my proverbial programmer’s toolbox… today, embarrassingly enough, I have wrapped my head around how to use vim properly for the first time.

